Friday, January 22, 2010

Here is where the herbal tea garden is going to go. It's the only spot on our property that gets enough sun because of all the gigantic sycamore trees shading our yard. I don't know hardly anything about gardening, but I have picked herbs that supposedly grow well here in the Sacramento area and grouped them by how much water they need to flourish. If all goes as well as I hope (and of course it won't, right?), my herb garden will contain these herbs.
Lemon balm
Mint (peppermint, pinnapple mint)
New Jersey Tea
Rasberry and Strawberry
Of course, the tea garden of my imagination also has a romantic iron bench, jasmine wrapping its fragrant blossoms around a white trellis, and butterflies flitting around the blossoms of my plants.
In reality, I'll be happy if I don't kill off the plants in the first few months of keeping them.

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