Thursday, April 8, 2010

Some Basics

I've been asked to clarify some definitions.

ABA= Applied Behavioral Analysis. It is the most prominent treatment theory for autism today. It is based in teaching new skills through positive and negative reinforcement. It is based in empirical data and measured by observable results. At its most simple form, it diagnoses behavior through an ABC approach. "A" being the antecedent, the event or environment before a certain behavior occurs, "B" as the behavior, whether positive, negative, or neutral, and "C" as the consequence. In ABA, there is an antecedent for every behavior, and a consequence (whether positive, negative, or neutral) for every behavior as well. By controlling the antecedents and consequences, we can teach appropriate behavior and new skills to autistic children.

VB= Verbal Behavior Intervention. Originally developed by Skinner in the 1950's, this theory has been used to treat autistic children recently to "fill in the gaps of ABA." It is a continuation of ABA and often is referred to as ABA-VB. It is based on contriving the motive of the child to obtain language skills. It is based on the theory that people develop language as a means to obtain something that they want or need. VB breaks this down to observable, measurable language acquisition through following the motive (MO) of the child through reinforcement. For example, a VB therapist might approach a child with a toy, concealed in a paper bag and contrive the child's MO by saying, "I have something super fun in this bag," which is a subtle prompt for the child to ask "What?" When the child does ask "What?" then they are reinforced by being shown what is in the bag. This is called a "Mand for information" and is a very basic principle of VB.

BCBA- Board Certified Behavior Analysis. This is a post-master's degree certifying someone as a behavioral analysist.

I hope that clarifies some of the acronyms I have been using lately. I know that some of the things I have been writing about may only appeal to a specific niche, but I am very passionate about spreading the word about the research I have been doing. If this does not interest you but you know someone that it might interest, please pass it on to somebody who you think it might.

For those who do read this, thank you for your support. I feel this is an issue that needs to be addressed and I am thankful for the people who are speaking up about this with me.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Unqualified ABA Therapists

Unnamed Company (the same for-profit company I mentioned earlier) has a reputation "as one of the world’s largest and most experienced organizations effectively treating children with autism," according to multiple sources. I personally know some of the therapists that work for this Unnamed Company, and they are genuine and loving people. However, I question the validity of this company's self proclaimed effectiveness and experience. (I will not disclose the company's name until I have further investigated and am ready to publish my findings. I will refer to it, instead as Unnamed Company).

What are the qualifications to be employed as an ABA Therapist for Unnamed Company? According to their own sources, you must be "pursuing a degree in psychology, education, early childhood development, or related field." Not obtained--pursuing. That leaves the door wide open for many people who may have once taken a psychology class at a community college but dropped out mid semester. That's "pursuing" a degree in psychology, right?

Here's more: this apparently top-notch company provides their new hires with one week of training before they are given the prestigious sounding title of "ABA Therapist." After one so-called "comprehensive" week of training, these pseudo-professionals walk into a family's home offering therapy services to children all over the autism spectrum. Parents are then expected to look to these individuals as the "experts," because of course years of raising your own child with autism means nothing compared to a week of sitting in some powerpoint lectures.

Sadly, the state isn't going to question any ABA company's validity at this point because they are are enjoying autism as a job creation opportunity. Autism has become quite the trendy field to work in. Beyond the trend, however, is a serious developmental disorder. Autism is complex, widespread, and varying (hence "spectrum") disorder that beckons proper scientific, medical, and psychological research. It is not a study that can be mastered, or even vaguely grasped in one week, even on a practical treatment level.

The more I find out about this, the more I am moved to speak out. This Unnamed-Reputable -Company apparently thinks that it is permissible for an individual to conduct intensive behavioral therapy for autistic children after one week of training. They have reduced the science of ABA to a few quick-and-dirty methods, and reduced the study of autism as a means to make money.

A BCBA is a legitimate degree for someone to have in the field of autism. While it is still not regulated, it is an education worth something. I had the opportunity to work directly under a BCBA to provide Verbal Behavior/ABA work for her own son who had autism. I am nowhere near an expert, I was merely a shadow who had the chance to learn a few things from constant training and supervision under my employer's expertise.

At the Sacramento branch of Unnamed Company, not one person holds a BCBA--not the therapists, senior therapists, case managers, case supervisors, or senior supervisor. Does this company legitimately believe they are giving children with autism the best possible services they can provide?

Am I loony for thinking this is messed up?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Get Rich Quick! How State-funded ABA Companies are Exploiting Children with Autism

I smell a scam.

State government and healthcare agencies have decided that the cost of providing behavioral intervention for children with autism will cost 70,000 annually per child. This number was reached under the assumption that therapy will take place 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, and that qualified therapists will be paid according to their value. Sounds good?

The catch: In the field of ABA, there is no gage to measure the "quality" of a program or the qualifications of a therapist. There is no mandatory overseeing board that certifies someone as an ABA therapist or approves a company for ABA services. Almost literally, anyone can start an ABA company.

It's almost too easy! Cut the child's hours from 40 hours a week to 25 (as many companies do), naturally dodge service for children all 52 weeks of the year (what parent wants their kids in therapy on Thanksgiving day, etc), and hire anyone off the street and label them as ABA therapists, consultants, case managers, etc, and pay them significantly less then a qualified, educated therapist is worth, and bam, you have a business with a high profit margin all in the name of helping children.

To plug in some numbers, we can see approximately what that profit margin is: If the ninteen-year-old unqualified "therapists" make 13 dollars an hour, servicing families about 25 hours a week and 49 weeks a year, the cost of the therapy program is less than 16,000 for the company.

I called an agency to ask if they were a registered 501-c-3, and after repeating myself five times to clarify what I meant by that, I simplified the question, "A you a non-profit or a for-profit agency?"

Turns out, they are a for-profit company. This means that the profit margin does not go back into the company's services but rather into the hands of the executives and shareholders. Don't forget that the bulk of their profit comes from state-funding (aka taxpayers).

I have seen the type of services these companies offer to desperate families, and it is a joke. Of course, it's a joke that isn't very funny. Having unqualified individuals run 1:1 therapy is often more detrimental for the family than helpful.

Clearly, a change must be made. There needs to be certification of these companies. They need to be scrutinized by a board before the government hands them taxpayer monies. Therapists should be liscenced or approved. Parents deserve to be made aware of their options. Autistic children have the right to the best possible therapy they can get.

My research for this topic has just begun, and I have found that there is very little information on this topic online. (I have a feeling these companies have some pretty good lawyers).

Scams occur all the time. But for some reason, when families of autistic children are exploited at the expense of taxpayers...That curls my blood.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

For Those Who Cannot Speak

I love autistic people.
I hang out with autistic kids more than I do friends my age.
While it is a challenge to understand how they are thinking at times, I get immense satisfaction from seeing their minds work.
They're not stupid; they just think differently than the rest of us "neurotypicals."

It breaks my heart to see the abuse that goes in our state towards individuals with autism. While a lot of positive progress has been made in the last few decades, a lot of awful things still go on behind the curtains. Even some organizations designed to teach and train autistic children are exploiting taxpayer monies and manipulating very, very desperate families.

It's a complicated mess. I am working on an investigation to look deeper into the issue and, hopefully, advocate for change. I will post details later.

Everyday I wrestle with anger over the situation. I feel helpless. I do not possess the expertise to make the impact that I want to.

Today I read this passage, and found it encouraging.

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitue.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Proverbs 31:8-9

The author uses the words "speak up" which were very meaningful to me beacuse autistic people, quite literally, "cannot speak for themselves." They are brilliant people, bound by the limitations of their verbal skills.

Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

You most likely know someone with autism. I encourage you to get to know them and their families. Find out what their needs are. They are interesting, lovable, and fun people. Do just a little research on the disorder-a quick search online will help you in your communication with them. Attend an "Autism Speaks" event. A tiny bit of effort will go a long way. You will be a part of a great movement.

I recommend the book, "Thinking in Pictures" by Temple Grandin. It is an amazing story of an autistic woman who went on to invent major dairy farm equipment that our nation now uses. She perfected an equipment that no "neurotypical" had been able to do.

I am challenged to use my God-given voice to speak up.